Get Better Sound

The Story
While traveling extensively around North America as an audio distributor and as an audio consultant, Jim Smith became increasingly discouraged.
Although he visited hundreds of audiophiles, some with very advanced systems, he was amazed and dismayed to discover that not one system he heard was performing anywhere near its potential! When a system underperforms, it’s a huge waste of the owner’s resources. The real benefits of enjoying the system are diminished - if not totally lost. These effects are not subtle: in fact, when confronted with the difference, audiophiles were astonished at what they were missing.
Then, in 2008, Jim was in a bad car accident, suffering a broken back and a lack of mobility for several months. Traveling to see clients was not an option. Some of his colleagues and friends reminded him of his disappointment in the sound of audiophiles’ high-end systems. They asked, “Hey, why don’t you write that set-up book that you said was needed so badly?”
So he did. It's called Get Better Sound.
And thousands of audiophiles around the world have benefited greatly, as countless e-mails, phone calls, testimonials and reviews have attested.
Scroll down to learn more, and to read comments by respected reviewers.
The Setup Manual Your System Wants
Get Better Sound is not a book about how components work. There are already plenty of excellent technical and reference books on this topic, written by experts in the field.
Get Better Sound is not about selling you another component.
Instead, Get Better Sound is about how to make those components that you already own come alive in your room, now. Presented in a conversational style, GBS is based not only on physics, but also on Jim's successful voicing experience gained from over 35 years of installing and voicing all kinds of sound systems—for audiophile music lovers, for audio shops, and at the largest audio shows. Now you can use the same techniques that Jim used to win "Best Sound of Show" press comments and to receive consistent acclaim from his personal clients over the years.